New-Mac Electric is proud to provide electricity produced using a mix of fuels and technologies including coal, natural gas, hydropower, wind. This allows for flexibility while providing reliable, affordable and responsible electricity. Cooperatives are now leading Missouri in providing renewable energy to our members

If you have any questions in regard to renewables, please contact your Member Services department at 417.451.1515. Below you will find more information on renewable resources including solar, electric vehicles and rebates.
Is solar right for me?
Over the past few years, discussions about solar panels have grown. The question that many people are asking is, "Will solar panels be beneficial to me?" There are many factors to consider in order to answer this question completely. At New-Mac Electric. we want to ensure that our members who are considering solar are well-informed with facts so that they can make an educated decision.
If you do have any questions about going solar, please call Tamara in our Member Services Department at 417.451.1515. We also strongly encourage any of our members who are considering solar to contact us before they make any final decisions or sign any paperwork.
Thanks to our friends at the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives (AMEC), we also have a handy tool to help calculate your potential solar needs clicking the link below will take you to AMEC's Solar Calculator.
Be sure to select green box labeled "Click Here to Get Your Estimate" and then select New-Mac as your cooperative. The solar calculator is a helpful tool to use when considering the installation of solar panels.
Choose a reliable solar company
What is green power?
For members wishing to help in the development of renewable energies, New-Mac Electric offers green power.
Green power is power generated from renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal.
Through this voluntary program, participating members collectively affect the ratio of New-Mac Electric’s power purchasing in favor of green power as opposed to fossil-fuel generated power. The more participants, the higher the percentage of renewable energy being supplied to New-Mac Electric.
Since greater costs are involved in utilizing renewable energy sources, this program is beneficial because it allows those who would like to support renewable energies to do so without affecting the rates of other cooperative members. It is a program that supports renewable energies while gauging the interest of the membership as a whole.
Through this program, members can purchase 100 kilowatt-hour blocks of green power at a set cost. There is no limit to the number of blocks that can be purchased; however, a one-year commitment is required. For most homes, the purchase of just one or two of these blocks would mean at least 10 percent of their energy purchase is going toward green power.
Purchasing green power gives participants the satisfaction that they are advancing renewable energies, even though it is not possible to guarantee the electrons that left a wind farm, for example, are the same electrons traveling into their homes. Since all types of generating plants (including those using renewable energy sources as well as fossil fuels) continuously feed the same electric power network (a.k.a. “the grid”) that basically serves the nation, tracking which electricity flows down which line is not feasible. However, through green power programs, the grid will be fed with more energy generated from renewable energy sources and less from fossil fuels.
In order for green power sources to become a more viable option for power generation, they must be further developed. Until that time, renewable energies will have a number of added costs. For example: Optimum locations for wind farms are few and require building extensive transmission lines; biomass presents handling, transporting, and storage issues; and solar power requires acres of photovoltaic panels as well as measures to continue generation when the sun goes down. Those participating in green power programs can know that they are doing their part in overcoming those added costs.
For more information or to purchase green power, call New-Mac at 417.451.1515 or (800) 322.3849