Attention High School Juniors
When you are in high school, the last thing you want to do is write another paper, but New-Mac Electric has one for high school juniors that could lead to the trip of a lifetime.
New-Mac Electric’s tenth annual Youth Tour/CYCLE Contest will send students to Washington, D.C., or Jefferson City for expense-paid educational experiences this upcoming summer. All it takes to be considered for such a trip is to write a short essay on the topic: What are some ways that electric cooperatives can reach the younger generation?
The contest is open to high school juniors in the following school districts: Carthage, Diamond, East Newton, Joplin, McDonald County, Neosho, Pierce City, Sarcoxie, Seneca and Wheaton. Home or private school 11th-grade students residing in the aforementioned districts are also eligible. Immediate family members of New-Mac Electric employees or board members are not eligible to participate.
Youth Tour is a week-long trip to Washington, D.C., sponsored by electric cooperatives from all across the country. Delegates are selected by each co-op, grouped together with peers from their state, and then sent to the nation’s capital. Missouri will send over 100 delegates, who will join approximately 2,000 from other states at our nation’s capital June 15-21.
The Missouri students will see sites such as the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, World War I Memorial, Smithsonian Institution, International Spy Museum and many more. Also, they will learn about the workings of our government while developing life-long friendships with their fellow delegates. To learn more about Youth Tour, visit youthtour.coop.
CYCLE stands for Cooperative Youth Conference & Leadership Experience. It is a four-day trip to Jefferson City, where more than 100 students learn about our state government, cooperatives and leadership in general. Delegates will tour the City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri Supreme Court and State Capitol. They also will have the opportunity to debate a fictional bill from the actual floor of the House of Representatives. CYCLE will take place July 15-18.
The contest consists of writing a 400-600 word essay on the following topic: What are some ways that electric cooperatives can reach the younger generation? All essays must include a cover sheet with the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Parents’/Guardians’ names
- School
- Word count of essay
Essays should be sent to: Youth Tour/CYCLE, New-Mac Electric, PO Box 310, Neosho, MO 64850. Or, they can be emailed to ttaylor@newmac.com with “Youth Tour/CYCLE” in the subject line. All essays must be received by March 7, 2025.
Finalists will be selected from the essays and interviewed by a panel of judges at New-Mac’s Neosho office. The top two winners will attend Youth Tour, June 15-21, in Washington, D.C. The third- and fourth-place participants will take part in CYCLE July 15-18 in Jefferson City.
If you have additional questions about the contest, call our Member Services Department at 417-451-1515 or 800-322-3849.